Join MotoRmania’s track day at Slovakiaring 21-22 of September !!!

- MotoRmania

Where to register? Where to sleep? Which riding group should you join? How to reserve and share a pit garage? Find answers to all of your questions and meet us at the track!

On the 21-22nd of September, MotoRmania invites you to the Slovakiaring track day. As usually we look forward to have fun with you and spend quality time riding bikes. After the event you will be able to download all of your amazing riding pictures free of charge. You can see the pictures from our July’s event (here).

Slovakiaring MotoRmania lipiec 2015 (5)

Who can attend “MotoRmania” track days?

Trainings are for all  motorcyclists. Even if you don’t have any experience on the track you can train your skills with the slowest group “D”. Groups “C” & “B” are dedicated to the faster riders. Group “A” for bikers with most experience.  After first three sessions, based on your lap times, we’ll decide which group is dedicated for you. For the first free session we need you to declare which group you wish to join. If you turn to be slower or faster then riders in designated group we will ask you to change  the group after the third session.

The lap times are registered by transponders which all riders pick up free of charge upon the registration. You will need to install a transponder on your bike by yourself. The best way is to use a plastic band and strap it to the fork leg, passenger’s footrest, etc. After the third session you will find the list of new groups just outside the registration office. If it turns out that you have been moved to another group you will need to pick up a new group sticker at the registration office.

MotoRmania Slovakiaring lipiec 2015 (16)

Time Schedule

Every day starts at 8 a.m with a briefing. We talk about all necessary things you should know, especially the safety rules. Rides start riding sessions at 9 a.m and finish at 6 p.m.  We start with the slowest “D” group. Each session lasts 20 minutes. There are 6 sessions for each group.  From 1 to 2 p.m is the lunch time.

You’ll get the detailed time schedule at the track.

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Pit boxes, petrol, tires…

At the track you can rent the pit box. They are safe, locked at night, so you can leave your motorcycles but also sleep there. All you need is to bring own mattress. The cost of renting the box for one day is 120 euro.

Boxes are dedicated for up to 8 motorcycles, so you can share the rental cost with your friends or other riders. Let us know if you want to join other people wishing to share the pit box, we’ll try to arrange that.

At the race track you will be able to purchase new or used tires. There also is a petrol station on the spot – you can also fuel your bike at the nearest Shell station.

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Instructors, suspension set up

MotoRmania team is situated always in the box numer 0.  That’s where you’ll find Mateusz Poniatowski who will advise you with the suspension set up- free of charge. If you need our help or individual ride instructions at the track, just come and ask.  Our help is being offered on first come first serve basis.  If you haven’t been to Slovakiaring before, or you wish to look at the right riding lines you can watch this onboard video of our chief instructor, Pejser,  riding an Aprilia RSV4 RR. This has been taken during one of the races being held on our last event.  Pay attention to the racing line and enjoy.

When can you arrive to the track? Where to sleep?

You can arrive on Sunday 20th of September. Boxes, electricity are to your disposal. You can sleep in your car or tent in the paddock area free of any charges. At the track you will also find hotel “ Ring” ( You can look for some nearby hotels at located at Dunajska Streda – it is just 5 km from the track.

Slovakiaring z MotoRmania 2015 kwiecien (1)

How to register?

If you have time on the 21-22 of September just let us know at: or use the form below. We will provide you with the account numer.

The prices are:

  • After 21 August – 20 September you will pay 890 zł for 2 days / 500 zł for one day
  • payment at the track is 1200 zł for 2 days / 600 zł for one day.

We look forward to seeing you at the race track!


Event powered by Monster Energy Drink! You’ll get free drinks at the track.

Błąd: Brak formularza kontaktowego.

Może ci się zainteresować

MotoRmania jest zaskakującym, lifestyle’owym portalem o tematyce motocyklowej. Podstawą publikacji są rzetelnie i niezależnie przeprowadzane testy motocykli, których dodatkową atrakcją jest inspirujący sposób prezentacji zdjęć. Kompetencja redakcji MotoRmanii została wyróżniona zaproszeniem do testów fabrycznych motocykli wyścigowych klasy Superbike, co błyskawicznie ugruntowało status magazynu jako najbardziej fachowego miesięcznika motocyklowego w Polsce. Nasz portal to długo oczekiwany powiew pasji i prawdziwie motocyklowego stylu życia!

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